Three TRX Exercises for Awesome Arms

All right today we’re going to go ahead and learn three TRX exercises that are going to help us build strength and tone through our arms. We’re going to start off with the biggest muscle group on our arms and that’s the triceps. So we’re going to work the back of our arms here with the TRX triceps extension. For this one you’re going to go ahead and set up those handles at about eye height. We’re going to go ahead and drop down just below a 90-degree angle, right below those handles and then flex at the top. Meanwhile, we are keeping a plank position, so keep that core nice and tight as you drop down beneath those handles and extend out, flexing the backs of the arms at the top. We’re going to move onto biceps this is the second movement in the sequence. For this one, we’re going to extend our arms out. Keep those elbows in place. We’re going to curl up, squeeze the front of those arms and then go back down nice and slow. So bring it up, squeeze, back down nice and slow. That’s working the biceps, the front portion of our arms. Now since most people think about the shoulders as a part of their arms, we’re going to move onto a shoulder exercise called the Y raise. To do this one, we’re just going to set up in the same position we had for biceps, except we’re going to bring our arms up above our head in a Y position, and then back down nice and slow. While you’re performing this exercise, try to keep the shoulder blades down, back and together, and focus on bringing those handles back behind your head, while keeping the straps nice and tight. And that’s it, three moves to build strength and tone through your arms.